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Copyright, Annette Robins 2009

More Terrible Side effect Stories


August 1th
11:24 PM

Hi Ladies,
I am 31 with 3 beautiful children. I have had the mirena since July 2007. I now have a thyroid disorder called Hashimoto's thyroids. No personal or family history of any type of thyroid diseases. I am having mine removed in 4 days. Of course my family practice MD claims there is absolutely no connection between the mirena and my new onset of thyroid disorder. Just FYI for all of you ladies out there, the symptoms most commonly reported by a majority of you, take a look at the symptoms of hypothyroidism.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight
Coarse, dry hair
Dry, rough pale skin
Hair loss
Cold intolerance (can't tolerate the cold like those around you)
Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
Memory loss
Abnormal menstrual cycles
Decreased libido

Any of these sound familiar??? All of my labs including my thyroid (TSH) levels came back normal. Except one. PTO, the test for thyroid antibodies. My immune system is literally attacking my thyroid. Thyroid levels under 3.0 are looked at for many women with infertility and miscarriage. Mine was 2.44, which is within normal range, but I am also on the verge of hypothyroidism. 3 weeks ago I noticed a lump on the left side of my thyroid, I just found the infertility information late last night, and that's how I wound up here. Mirena is doing its job, but it is also messing with your metabolism. Just because your thyroid levels are within normal range does not necessarily mean you are not having thyroid issues or it may be early enough where your levels are not "concerning" yet. No connection between thyroid and Mirena, huh???? Good Luck to all of you.


Thank you so much for your reply. I have NOW dont just the search that you suggested and after much deliberation, I have decided to have the Mirena removed. 18th April, 2008 is the day. I wish it was now, now that I know what is causing all of my problems.When I look through this forum I realise that many of the things going on in my life are the result of the Mirena.Hair Loss - Wow I have a lot of hair anyway, BUT...MoodyDepressionUrinary Infections - 5 in the last 6 months... derr meDischarge - well with all the meds I had been on (trying to find what is wrong with me) I thought this was just a weird thrushSwollen and sore tongueNot being able to swollow - almost choking at timesThyroid/Goiter enlargementI can't believe I have spent a fortune on specialist trying to "figure out" what is wrong with me.I will keep all posted on how it goes.Cheers and thanks


Thank you to all of your courageous women who have posted your experiences with Mirena. I'm so glad to know that I'm not alone.
I've had my Mirena IUD since September 2002 (5 years) and it's been a nightmare.
I've experienced extreme mood swings as many of you have mentioned. I don't even like who I am anymore. I didn't gain much weight but I have severe cramping, spotting for weeks at a time and the worst temper tantrums. My sex drive increased (ten fold) but was painful at times due to Mirena. My partner could feel the strings and I had to go back to the doctor to have them cut. Now he only feels them in certain positions. If he even comes close to my cervix - it's the worst pain and brings on cramping (again). I went to my obgyn but was told that as we age our hormone levels drop severely and that's why I have mood swings. She recommended that I take prozac to help me cope. She denied that it had anything to do with the IUD. I thought I was going crazy - I have all of you to thank for helping me understand that it's not in my mind - it's in my cervix.
I'm having it removed later this month but fear for what other options are available to women for birth control.


Two months postpartum, I had my Mirena in for three months before having it removed. I started a decent list of side effects... depression, mood swings, irritability, complete loss of appetite, insomnia followed by never getting enough sleep, increasingly dying sex drive, nausea, muscle pains, cold sensitivity, cramping followed by the inability to lift anything heavy because of severe pain, and then I decided to get it out. Well it's a month later and I've only gotten worse. Every symptom continues, but now I cannot stand the heat any longer (had a bad fit one day when I woke up, I thought I was dying when it wasn't all that warm says my boyfriend). Heat now makes me absolutely weak, shakey, and I have palpitations. I've noticed some hair growth above my lip which absolutely was never there before, along with increased amount and darker color of hair on my legs. Noticing slight hair loss now too.Well, going by the fact that it got worse after the Mirena was removed, I decided it may be my thyroid. But it seems that I have symptoms of both hypo- and hyperthyroidism, and the combination of the two is fairly rare. I set an appointment to see a doctor, although sadly it had to be with the idiots of my town as it's all I could afford without insurance. I wrote down a list of my side effects so that I'd make sure that I didn't forget any, but the nurse (she was all I could get) was completely disinterested in them because the list was too long and simply wanted to get my blood test for thyroidism started, as that's what I asked for. I asked her to look over my symptoms and see if she had any better guesses as to what my problem may be and she wanted a hemoglobin test done as well (without looking them over still). I was suggested on another message board to have 7 separate thyroid tests run, and she refuses to do all but one, and will then do the others if the first one turns out weird. But from what I've read... it can still look normal while other tests turn out odd, hence the need to do more than one. If there actually is something wrong, I don't think it'll turn out low or high as I experience symptoms from both. I read about iodine here and wanted that checked, but that went ignored. I asked about my pains when lifting things, all she said to do was keep taking ibuprofen, I guess for the rest of my life. On top of it all, I won't know my results for two weeks. Then she seemed more focused on scheduling my yearly pap smear. She told me to stay off the internet.So I guess, I don't know, I guess I need the internet to keep being my doctor. As far as my symptoms, I think things that control body temperature would be the biggest hint as to what may be wrong. I wouldn't mind giving the iodine thing a try just to see, but I don't know what would be too much? Anyone figure anything more out?


Hi I had the mirena coil inserted about a year after pregnancy when my weight had nearly returned to normal except for the last 5 kilos. Soon after, I noticed that I was still excercising and putting on weight. Had a blood test, found that my thyroid was not working properly and started taking medication for that. After 6 months or so I realised that I was still gaining weight and I have just gone back to my GP to see if I needed more thyroid medication.Had another blood test and it came out fine. The penny has now dropped with my GP and suggested removing the Mirena as it could possibly be it. Thats why I came looking on the net and I found your message board to be very helpful...so now I have decided to have it removed next week! Lets hope I lose this weight now!


 Beware of the Mirena! If you are an active, fit, self-aware person, this is likely NOT the solution for you. The disruption to my life and my health that the Mirena caused were significant and had a stress on my relationship that I'm hoping I can warn others of. My recommendation: If you are unhappy with it in the early weeks, you will likely not be satisfied when the symptoms "taper off" and I strongly suggest you quit now. Normally a high-energy athletic person, I became fatigued and irritable. With no change to diet or exercise, my body transformed as if pregnant including a hard distended abdomen, doubling breast size, weight gain, oily skin and acne. And horribly, my normally high sex drive practically disappeared. The good news: within 60 days of the removal my body disolved back to its original form and my spirits returned. Overall it was a 6-month strain on my relationship that I wish had never happened. Please don't take the Mirena decision lightly.


This site is the absolute life saver. I have had my mirena in for two years and am getting it out as sson as I post this I will call my GP. I ahve been sent for every test for every disease under the sun and have only now come to the conclustion that it is all the mirena. Numbness down my left side (I had tests for ms and other serious neurological disorders), abdominal pain, swelling, headaches blurry vision acne like I never had before not efven in my teens. The good thing was it stopped my period all together but now I now haow unatural that is. Thank goodness for all your posts. If I wan;t in Australia, I would be joining in the class action. I have lost two years to this thing with constant doctors and worry about more serious implications. I have had stress leave off owrk and all the time my GP has said it would not be the Mirena

. -------------------------------------------  

Hi everyone. I had my Mirena removed back in March, so I am just over 4 months post removal. I had mine in for 4 years. I have had every symptom under the sun, but they come and go. They do get worse right before my period. You can read all of my symptoms in my previous blogs. I just completed a saliva hormone test that was surprisingly more thorough and detailed than a blood hormone test. It found that my Estrogen levels were dominant and my progesterone was normal to low. I think this might be what you are experiencing as well. The indication for treatment was low levels of HERBAL progesterone replacement for specific times of my cycle. After about 4-5 months, my hormone levels will start to self regulate. I did this test through my acupuncturist, not my GYN. I'm pretty angry with my GYN because she swore to me that the Mirena would not cause any problems...HA! The day I had it removed, the Nurse Practitioner told me that the Mirena was "toxic" and that it could have affected my entire body. She read a few of the Mirena forum messages and was not surprised. If I knew what I know now, I would NEVER have put it in. So...I hope this sheds a little light on the early menopause/out of whack hormone levels. It is definitely something that can be altered to return to normal. Do not give up. We will all get better.    


My experience: Got the mirena IUS in March 2007 –  damn I thought he was going to puncture my brain! After a couple weeks of bleeding I spotted for a couple of months then that’s it – no more periods! Everything was great until January 08 (around a month after having my thyroid removed) when I started to put on weight at an alarming rate,  my hair started falling out & I had pimples everywhere. Oh, the mood swings! (Should note here that I was hyperthyroid up until Oct 07,  so that could have kept the weight at bay initially.)  I was expecting to put on a little weight after  the op as essentially my natural metabolism was lost –  but not 16 kg in 4 months! I would buy clothes one week and they wouldn’t fit me the next. My tummy bulged to the point I look 6 months pregnant. Did a bit of research & found that so many women have had the exact same problems with the  Mirena and decided to have it taken out. 


I had a Mirena inserted last October, 6 weeks after my son was born. I had it removed from my liver the last day in January. The scenario: I was given a pamphlet in the office with a checklist on the back - one question was are you breastfeeding? I checked yes. The painful procedure continued. After insertion, the nurse practitioner said "I'll leave the strings long so you can make sure it stays in place" I became puzzled, asked why it would move and was told it can float around. After I was dressed, she said to watch when I wipe to see if I lose my strings - apparently an indicator the IUD has perforated - (although this was not explained). I was bleeding immediately. Was told to call if I was doubled over in pain. I called the following Monday, after a painful weekend and was told pain is normal. Went in for the 30-day check, couldn't find the thing. Said it fell out. When I requested an X-ray - there it was - in my abdomen. Having no insurance, I became alarmed that this was no longer a simple procedure. Not to mention the fact I have a newborn baby and a toddler at home and every time I lean over to hold them I have visions of a sharp IUD punching a hole in my organs and leaving them orphans. The doctor suggested leaving it in, said she had a 70-year old patient who decided to. The drs. office said "we put it in, we are responsible for it" and said they would perform the surgery at no cost, but I would be responsible for the hospital bills - $30,000. I opted for a general surgeon with more experience. Here's the question: Can I sue? Mirena or the drs.? Any advice is appreciated.
I have contacted both - Bayer Healthcare sent me the perscribing information and the drs. office said this happens.


I have had my Mirena IUC in since November 11, 2007 (7 months). I am going Tuesday to have surgery to remove the IUC from my liver. Yes I said liver. My IUC perforated the lining of my unterus and managed to work it way all the way up to my liver. It is now poking into my liver & will be removed on Tuesday. I am researching to see if anyone one else has had this problem? Please help me if you can. All feedback is appreciated.

Comments (4) for "More Terrible Side effect St...
I am concern after 4 year they had found fribrone in uterus; I am onlu 40 and the doctor is suggesting to have my uterus removed; could this be caused by mirena, lately I been having a lot of pain, lack of sex deive and lost of memory. I will like to know if some one has experience the same. I am planing to have Mirena removed I think that is what is causing all of this I hope is not to late!!
By Isabel Martinez - 8/16/2008 11:30 PM
I would get it removed.
Mirena can cause the problems you have.
Wish you the best.
By sherry - 8/30/2008 10:56 AM
Ny Mirena story started 8 years ago shortly after the birth of my third child. Unlike some people I have spoken to this was not prescribed to me to help with heavy bleeding or irregular cycles. In fact, I had always had a perfect 28 day cycle and needed nothing more than a super tampon on the heavier days of my five day bleed. The Mirena was was purely for contraception with the periods to disappear as an added bonus. Oh what an idiot I was to buy this pitch, hook, line and sinker!! Over the six months I had it I bled every day, my skin broke out like some spotty teenager,I stacked on the weight and experienced terrible mood swings. When I mentioned the Mirena might be responsible to my specialist he looked at me like I'd just grown horns. How DARE I question a drug company who obviously knows all about our bodies. I ended up going back to my G.P and insisted she remove it. Within about a week the bleeding abated but my relationship with Mirena still haunts. I now have a thyroid problem and am taking thyroxine and my weight has never returned to normal. Despite the fact I am a healthy eater and exercise regularly at the gym etc. Worst of all my cycle has never returned to normal. sometimes I bleed so heavily that even with a super tampon and MATERNITY pad I can't leave the house. Or it just goes on incessantly for two weeks. I spoke to a Naturopath the other day who didn't bag Mirena but knew all about it. He suggested I do a complete liver detox to get rid of the synthetic hormone build up. Mainstream medicine has suggested that my menstrual problems are due to my age ( they started with the Mirena, prior to that my cycle was text book perfect plus I'm only 39) or my thyroid problem (go figure). I have heard of people taking the Mirena and loving it but to be honest most people I know who taken it have had problems. For those considering it. Go into this with your eyes open. I would strongly recommend you don't. Like one of the onther girls on this site I'm Australian so I can't join in the class action but if I could I would!
By Elizabeth - 9/17/2008 9:48 PM
I had my mirena inserted after the birth of my now 4 year old daughter. Since then, I have been on depression meds, dealt with terrible acne, gained a ton of weight, and have almost ruined my marriage. I went to the Gyno to have it removed a few months ago and was told that it wasn't there, I had probably passed it, yadda yadda yadda, no big deal. I insisted on more testing and what do ya know? It perforated the walls of my uterus and is now lodged somewhere in my abdominal cavity. I'm having it surgically removed next week. ouch.
By kim - 11/20/2008 10:17 PM

Stories from Other Mirena Sites and Forums


Women all over the world are being affected by the mirena iud. Many of us thought the deadly thing was off the market in the 80's. The company will not take responsibility for the damages the device can cause. They say they can not be blamed for the doctors mistakes. All of the possible side effects creep up on you and all of a sudden you feel 110 years old. Theres cramps, weight gain, hair loss, weak bones, stiff joints, irrational thoughts, mood swings, anxiety, memory loss, loss sex drive, tube babies, spontaneous abortions, loss mirena, perforated uterus, floating mirena, swollen belly, acne, discharge, spotting for months,constant depression, no sleep, bladder weakness, IBS, digestion problems, aadd, nightmares, surgery to remove it, countless bills trying to find out whats wrong with you. the depression is so deep most of the women at curezone.com need antidepressants to function, infertility, OCD. The same thing that happened with the dalkon shield is happening to us. A doctor will happily give it to you but will refuse to take it out and tell you its all in your head. From the usa to australia its a bad decision to make.


Hi my name is nikki someone really needs to do something about this mirena it needs to be taken off the market real quick it is poison the last 4months of my life have been a living hell and still battling PLEASE GET THIS THING TAKEN OF THE MARKET IT WILL KILL SOMEBODY




Hi my name is Danielle, I have lost the last 5 weeks of my life due to the mirena, I have been so nauseated sometimes I have to have my aunt come over to watch my kids who are 9 months and 6, I have been out of work for 4 weeks and my husband has had the bills burden on him, I have had anxiety so bad that I was in the ER 4 times, the last time I was admitted, I have tried antidepressants and they make it worse, my anxiety is so bad that it puts me into bouts of depression, I have to be on kolonopin every day to control my anxiety, the makers of the mirena IUD(Bayer) need to take this off the market before it kills someone, after all is said and done I will have spend hundreds of dollars in DR bills and lost out on hundreds of dollars from being out of work. This has been hell for the last 5 weeks and I only had the darn thing in for 4 weeks! I hope we all get better soon, the side effects are unbelievable, and the OBGYN's don't tell you the effects it can cause. They tell you it is such a great choice for bc, a fool proof 5 year plan, no harmful side effects, maybe some cramping and back pain, and thats it, I am appauled with this product and we all should be compensated for our pain and loss of life, money!!!!!



Mirena SHOULD be taken off the market and the company should be sued for what its worth. They're responsible for marketing the product,they're the ones who are supposed to inform the physicians and make sure the patients know the good and the BAD about the product. In the little book thats being given out the company only tells the pros and very little cons like abnormal bleeding for a few months and cramping. They never told me that I would hurt so bad that I wouldn't be able to have sex with my husband.They never told me that I would almost drop my baby when trying to pick him up because I would get unbearable pains in my lower back and pelvic area.They never told me that I would want to commit suicide.And they didn't tell me that no matter what I did I wouldn't be able to lose weight,only gain it.

I was told by my physician that Mirena is supposed to release hormones into the uterus and only into that area but sometimes it does get into the bloodstream and can cause other problems. I wasn't told that until after my doctor removed the device. I'm so blessed that my husband has stood by me these past few months,and I'm even more grateful that my doctor understood me.

No woman should blame herself for the effects of Mirena, only the company should be blamed for having something so dangerous on the market. If you keep Mirena on the market you might as well keep all those other drugs on the market that are killing people.


I had Mirena inserted in October with a constant cramping on my left side. Went back to doc 1 mth later- threads still there. She said that cramping could take awhile to dissipate so I waited it out but decided to have it removed yesterday because cramping has not gone away. Threads gone, ultrasound showed nothing, flat panel xray shows Mirena "somewhere" in pelvic region but can't be determined. I am having laproscopic surgery tomorrow to have it removed. HOWEVER- I was (and still am) breastfeeding. Yes, I know it is my fault for not thoroughly reviewing the PI (I'm a rep as well- you'd think I'd know not to trust a doctor's knowledge!) but my question is this: are you guys trained to kind of float over the topic of increased risk of perforation in breastfeeding women or do you strongly warn about this in your details? I am not pointing the finger but when I told my doctor about the warning in the PI she said that all docs use Mirena as a perfect contraceptive choice post-partum and said that she was never told from her rep about the risk of breasfeeding.

I think this is a great example of how extremely important our jobs really are- some docs really do listen and we are a resource, believe it or not.

Please- I implore to the Mirena reps out there- let your obgyns know about this risk. It could have prevented my surgery tomorrow.



I'm sorry this happened to you. I am a rep also with two children and would not wish this on a new mom. I have to confess...I sell birth control but not any IUDs. About six months ago, I had a provider insert the mirena in the wrong place. Anyhow, the patient had the same complaints as you did. During surgery, they found the iud in the colon with the patient near death. I urge you to report this to the FDA so that your incident is hopefully prevented to other women in the future. We all have to stick together as women.


Reps are trained to advise MDs as to exactly what is in the PI and report facts based on clinical data. Mirena should not be inserted untill six weeks post partum. The increased risk is clearly stated in the PI and perforations remain extremely rare. I am also very sorry that this has happened to you. So many questions remain about the Drs. technique and experience. Did he/she sound the uterus first. Some unfortunately do not even when they are clearly warned of the dangers when this step is left out. The vast majority however, perform the procedure without incident.

Hi all , Its been very informative to read all the forums on peoples thoughts on weight gain whilst on the mirena coil. I have had mine in since april 2003. The first three months were hell with cramps etc but that did settle. Since then i now dont get periods, the odd spotting every through months but thats it. My biggest worry is that the weight gain over the past 3-4 months is horrid. 1.5 stone, not good. My boobs were pretty big but now i could give jordan a run for her money, they are enormous. I have days where i feel enormous heavy and so bloated. I do a lot of sport and eat a well balanced diet. So as of tomorrow the mirena gets removed, so watch this space. I suspect a massive weight loss about to happen. I'm a nurse and think logically but i can hand on my heart say that all my problems are the mirena.


I have had my merina for 2 and a half years now...It has destroyed my life. It is finally coming out next Tuesday. I tried for 2 years to convince myself that it wasn't the IUD causing this but it is...When I found the curezone board it was like story after story of my life exactly. I am so depressed and angry all the time and feel like there is no end in sight. Other people can say what they want about it but all that means to me is that their body handles this poison better then some of us. I was not made aware of all of these side effects. I was told there were very few side effects. And none of the ones I have were included in them. I have a very healthy diet and I am very active but yet I only gain weight and can't seem to lose any no matter what I have done. I have been to a number of weight loss clinics and I work out almost everyday... I am not myself anymore I don't recognize this person I am now , and even worse my family doesn't recognize this person. Cramps, bloating, weight gain, severe back pain, depression, fatigue, loss of sex drive completely,anxiety all things this horrible thing has inflicted on my life... I wish someone could help and force this drug company to at the very least list all the possible side effects this can cause, before some one losses their life for good to it...



WOW!!! I have always believe that this "thing" was the cause of my problems. I share all these stories. The anxieties, fears of dying, constant worrying, insomina and rollercoaster mood swings. This is scary. I am getting mine removed immediately. I've been with my OB since I was 17; I would think that he would have been honest with me about this "death wish." I am so hoping that after this is removed I will become my self again.

Thanks ladies for sharing your stories. You all have helped my in my decision!!!


I want to know why there isn't a class action against this company. I was never given any information about the side effects or anything negative by any of the Dr.'s that i talked to about this.(three in total) They all said the same thing. It had a huge success rate. made periods lighter and had never heard any complaints about it.

I would never have opted to get the mirena iud had i known what the real complications were.

It eroded through my uterus and is now floating around in my pelvic region.



Hello, i wish to say that since i had the Mirena, my life has been hell. Where do we start with the list of side effects, i have had; hair loss, extremely greasy hair, facial hair growth, water retention, headaches, acne, vaginal discharge, constant spotting, pelvic pain, and ovarian cysts. I had it inserted in Dec 07 while i underwent surgery to treat severe endometriosis. The surgeons pushed me to have the mirena as they said it is remarkable how it slows the growth of endometriosis. Not a single word was said to me about any side effects. NONE. How could i make an informed decision about this when i was not told what could go wrong with my body. Not only the above list of symptoms, but also the fact that my endo is worse now than it was back when i had the op done. Some days i can hardly stand up straight from pain, and now i cant even look in the mirror without crying about what this has done to me inside and out. Somebody needs to take responsibility for this horrendous device and for gods sake stop recommending it to unsuspecting women

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